lawyer n. 1.律师。 2.法律家。 a forecastle lawyer 〔美俚〕经常爱争论[抱怨、议论]的人。 a good lawyer 懂法律的人。 a Jack-leg lawyer 〔美国〕讼棍。 a philadelphia lawyer 〔美国〕很精明的人;狡猾的人。 a poor lawyer 不懂法律的人。 enough to puzzle a philadelphia lawyer 〔美国〕太错综复杂使人难于弄明白的。 He is no lawyer. 他不懂法律。
fee n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名费,入场费。 2.赏金,小账。 3.【历史】(封建时代的)采邑,封地。 4.永租地;永业田,世袭地。 5.所有权;继承财产。 a doctor's fee for a visit 医生的出诊费。 a monthly fee 月薪。 a license fee 牌照费。 a membership fee 会费。 a school [tuition] fee 学费。 fee of permit 执照税,牌照税。 hold in fee (simple) 拥有无条件继承的权利。 vt. 1.给…发薪水,给…小费,向…交手续费,缴(会费)[学费](等)。 2.〔英国〕雇用,聘请。
Ajls panel discussed the administration s paper on biennial review of criminal legal aid fees , prosecution fees and duty lawyer fees ,当中阐述就刑事法律援助费用检控费用及当值律师费用每两年进行一次的检讨。
Ajls panel discussed the administration s paper on biennial review of criminal legal aid fees , prosecution fees and duty lawyer fees ,当中阐述就刑事法律援助费用、检控费用及当值律师费用每两年进行一次的检讨。
Article 41 a citizen who needs the assistance of lawyers in respect of matters such as livelihood support , work - related injuries , criminal procedure , claims for state compensation or claims for lawful payment of pensions for the disabled or families of the deceased , but cannot afford lawyers fees , may obtain legal aid in accordance with state regulations 第四十一条公民在赡养、工伤、刑事诉讼、请求国家赔偿和请求依法发给抚恤金等方面需要获得律师帮助,但是无力支付律师费用的,可以按照国家规定获得法律援助。